Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Not-So-Lazy days of Summer...

My non-teacher family and friends make me laugh when I try to describe summer "break" for them.  Even though I know I am officially off of work, it is literally so hard to wind down. It's like I have to make-up for all of the things I have missed with family and friends--as well as the projects I have neglected around the house--during the course of the school year. We pack every second with some type of busy-ness or fun, and so far we haven't slowed down a bit!  That's why I am sure I cannot refer to this season as the "lazy days of summer"--in fact, so far it has been quite the opposite, but I wouldn't change a thing. :-)

Case in point...for the last 2 days, we have given the kitchen a bit of a redo.  The goal has been to reuse and re-purpose as much as possible to keep spending at a minimum.  A little old furniture, some leftover paint, some unused fabric...not too shabby for a $60 fix. ;-)  Just for fun, I have included some before and after pics.  

I also have had the immense joy of serving as a co-director at Vacation Bible School at our local church since school has been out.  Praise the Lord, the number of children and volunteers far surpassed our expectations!  From crafts to singing, story time to altar calls, I feel so blessed to have been a part of VBS, and have included just a few pictures here of our special week in Kingdom Rock!!!



And of course, Mimi was there helping with VBS as well!  Don't worry, she will be back with her "Monday Moments with Mimi" posts very soon.  She is, however, taking a little time off for summer too, so watch for new posts from her as the summer begins to wind down.  Here are a few pics of her at VBS with us...


And just a few more snapshots of our summer so far--fishing, birthday parties, visits with cousins....

Praying that you are enjoying summer of refreshing!  My blog posts will definitely slow down over the course of summer, and I hope you take some time to slow down as well!  

I do hope to update both my blog and FB page with new additions to my online stores so check back weekly!  Make memories, enjoy your families, and soak up the sun!  Shannon :-)

Psalm 37:7a, "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him." 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Memorial Day and More...

Hi!  Long time, no post, huh?!  Mimi and I both were out of town for Memorial Day, but want to take a minute to wish you all a very happy belated Memorial Day!  We cannot say thank you enough to so many who have given so much to preserve our freedoms in the USA!!!

Our Memorial Day was spent with family at the lake, and unfortunately did include a battle with a water snake--ewwwww!  Thank goodness for my dad, Kevin, a shovel, and a pontoon boat!
I also have been busy moving classrooms.  We even had to rent a UHAUL to move all of the stuff I have accumulated over 17 years of teaching!!!  Next year I will be teaching at a new school in a new grade level.  I hope to be able to share more later, but God has been so faithful to open new doors for our family!  I am profoundly grateful and incredibly excited about all that He has in store!  The good news is that we are all excited about the move, the bad news is that my house and garage have been completely taken over by school supplies as well as with preparations for next week's Vacation Bible School at church.  

And even as I type, my 2 boys are setting up a blanket and pillow fort in the living room...........ahhhhh, Calgon or Pinterest, take me away! ;-)

Today I also wanted to take a minute to wish 2 very special men in my life a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  My nephew William is turning 7 today, and my dad (AKA Poppy) is celebrating his 61st!  I am so thankful for them both!

One more thing...a dear friend, Lauren, is currently doing mission work in the Ukraine.  Won't you join me in praying for her ministry there? 
My Photo 

Thanks so much for checking in!  Hope your June is just perfect!!!!  Shannon :-)