Hi, and welcome back for another Monday Math installment! Today I wanted to share some ideas that I love for how to add Graphing, Surveying, and Charting across the curriculum and some resources that I have found super helpful!
For Science and Social Studies, these math skills can be linked quite easily. They are the perfect way to link real life math skills to real world content areas of study. Whether interviewing parents about their favorite landforms or surveying classmates about which planet they would most like to visit, surveying allows students to connect with the curriculum in a personal way.
Data collection and graph-making can also be used for projects (like the one above that we completed during our recent study of weather--http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/We-Love-Learning-about-Weather-and-Climate-1522420) or even when gathering data for persuasive writing arguments in Language Arts. The possibilities are numerous!
For example, here is an example of how we made line graphs this week when measuring and calculating magnetic force
Once survey results are gathered, interpreted, and tabulated, students may use stickers, graph paper, hand-drawn graphs, or even classroom technology to share their data and results.
Excel is always a great tool to use for older students, however Mr. Nussbum shares other kid friendly versions using programs and games to practice graphing skills as well. Simply follow this link to see his fantastic suggestions: http://mrnussbaum.com/coolgraphing/.

I also found some basic/beginner ideas on Pinterest I really love...For example, Jennifer Roys shares this adorable idea for a birthday graph from Snippets by Sarah (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/542613455076822381/).
The Measured Mom also shares some awesome ideas (like this lego graph) in her blog post at http://www.themeasuredmom.com/7-ways-to-make-a-graph-with-kids/#_a5y_p=1925658.
Even Sid the Science Kid loves charts. I love this adorable song!
Or how about a more complete video on data collection from Math Monsters?
Hope your week is wonderful! Thanks so much for stopping by! See all of the posts in this math linky by visiting http://lovealwaysdianalynn.weebly.com/blog/march-9th-math-madness-monday. Shannon :-)