Monday, June 11, 2012

Ministry Minute and the Parenting Place--Bible Alphabet Letter W

This week is a busy one around church for us!  Vacation Bible School is in full swing, and I hope to post more pictures later in the week of our fun time together!  What do I love most about VBS?  So many doing so much so willingly on behalf of the Lord!  Here is a pic of my kiddoes in our foyer which has been transformed to a SKY Airlines baggage claim! :-)
Before the VBS fun could get underway yesterday, we did have our regular Sunday Children's Church.  I cannot believe that we are already on letter W!!!  The W verse goes perfectly with our VBS theme for this week, "With man this is impossible, but with God, ALL things are possible!" 
Matthew 19:26.
Sometimes as an adult, I need to remember this!  There is no situation too big or too out of control for God!  During our puppet skit, Penny the Penguin struggled with opening a box of Legos, my kiddoes shared their struggles with obeying their parents or being nice to their younger siblings, and I shared my struggle with patience--waiting on the Lord's plan and timing for our family.  There is no one like our God and there is no one more powerful than Him!!!!  Blessings, Shannon
PS--Saw this funny Joyce Meyer post on FB.  
Thought I would share...and then get busy cleaning my house!!!! ;-)

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