Monday, December 30, 2013

Catching Up and Happy New Year...

Well, let's be honest.  Blogging here has certainly not been my strength in 2013...LOL  :-)

My children and I all changed schools from last year to this one, and that shift has captured most of our time, energy, and attention over the past 6 months.  But, I haven't been a complete blogging failure...I have enjoyed helping to maintain the 4th grade blog for our new school!  You can find it listed in my blog list and can see a few pics of the exciting things going on in our classrooms.  My fellow teachers are such a blessing, as are my students!
As many of you know, I previously taught elementary gifted to all grade levels in a public school in a nearby district.  This year, however, I had the opportunity to become a teacher at an excellent private school in our hometown, and all 3 of the Bryant kiddoes were able to enroll there with me as well.  This was such an answer to prayer for our family!  Our new school is K-12 so we are all housed on the same campus, for which I am profoundly grateful.  I am now teaching 4th grade, and I love it!

Much in our lives is still the same, and we are all still just as busy as ever.  My husband and I still serve on staff at our local church in preschool, young children, and young family ministry.  Tucker is now 13, Tate is 10, and Sadie is 6, and they truly are a joy to parent!  I find myself in the road chauffeuring quite a bit, as do many of you.  From wrestling to gymnastics, football to robotics, we stay on the move!  Parenting is certainly not for the faint of heart...

I am a terrible new year's resolution keeper, but if I could make and keep resolutions, I would say that I plan to do a better job maintaining my blog and FB page in 2014....we'll see how that goes ;-)

I hope that 2013 was an excellent year for you, and that 2014 will be even better!!!!  I am excited about lots of new things that are happening in the days ahead.  Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that we make our plans but the Lord determines our steps.  I can't wait to see what His plan us for each of us!  

Blessings to you and yours in the new year, Shannon :)  

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