Sunday, April 26, 2015

What's Up for the Week...Checking the Schedule!

All aboard for another fabulous week in 4th grade!  Thought I'd take a minute and share what's on the schedule for us for this week.  In Social Studies we have been studying biomes, and in Science we are busy learning about barrier island ecosystems.  
This week we will study the marsh, the dunes, the beach, and the maritime forest.  We will also take a field trip to a GA barrier island to see these ecosystems for ourselves!  So excited!!!

My students will also turn in their homemade bird nest projects (can't wait to show you pictures)!

Lastly, we will round out the week with special Mother's Day crafts and activities.  Looking for some ideas?  Here are a few of my favs from Pinterest...

And here is my own Mother's Day unit in case you are interested in checking it out!  


Hope you have a wonderful week!!!

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