Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Moments with Mimi--Making Choices in 2013!

I laughed with surprise as I read my mom's post for today.  Why?  She shares her goal here of being aware of the choices that come her way 2013.  And guess what goal I had set for this be to whatever possibilities come my way.  I guess the Lord is pointing us both in a similar direction?!  Her words were such a great reminder to me today, and I hope they are a blessing to you as well.  Enjoy!  Shannon :-) 
Making Choices in 2013

Happy New Year!!!!!  I am so glad to be back organizing my thoughts and writings again.  I have missed the past few weeks of not typing “Mimi-thoughts” for our weekly Monday Moments with Mimi.  Trust me, my ideas and inspiration have definitely been present!!!!  But whew…my insights and ideas have just been weary and scattered amidst all of the other December busyness.
In this second week of January, I find myself wanting to ask you a couple of questions like, “Did you make any profound New Year’s resolutions?”   (I did not, but I do purpose in general to try and be better, or at the least, a more “improved” person in 2013.)  My second question for you would be, “Have you taken down your Christmas decorations yet?”   I have not, but…I have purposed to have that done by…a later date!!! J

When I was growing up, by December 26th our tree would be noticeably absent and all evidence of Christmas would be packed away in the attic or beside the road waiting for garbage pickup.  It was an organizational obsession and a traditional necessity from my mom.  She insisted on promptly resuming cleanliness as we ended the Christmas Season and ushered in the New Year.

When January 1st came, we celebrated New Year’s—totally void of any evidence of Christmas.  We replaced December festivities with dried black eyed peas and collards at noon on New Year’s Day.  Between those two foods, plenty of good luck and much money was surely to come our way.  Ahhh, financial peace! J  Of course, we all knew better, but it was our tradition for years and years.  I say that, because I have since broken rank with this tradition.  This year I did not have my longstanding meal with peas and greens, and I am still admiring all my Christmas decorations even as we move deeper into January.

What went awry for me?   The simple answer is, “Nothing went awry.”  I just made a different choice this year.   I chose a trip out of town for the New Year instead of a  noon meal, and I will choose when to end my Christmas celebration, not the calendar.  I am resolved in 2013 to see choices this year.  Life is about choices!

The Bible points out that God and His Son too had choices.   In our human frailty, we immediately see urgency, feel pressure, and respond accordingly.  In doing so, we think we have no choices and feel options are not available or even worse…they are tragically bleak.  But God has other plans.  He is the author and creator.  With Him, nothing is impossible.

So my resolve this year is not about making the right choices, but thoroughly recognizing that I have choices.  I have opportunities!  Black eyed peas and greens are no more the real source of luck and money, than luck and money are the real source of peace.  Peace comes from within, not without.  Peace comes from being a warrior, not remaining a wounded victim.  And yes, we may get wounded; even warriors get wounds.  Peace comes from seeing ourselves as the victors by claiming, “Even in this, I have a choice.”

As I enter into this second week of 2013, I thought it might make you smile to know that I have just turned on the lights on my Americana Christmas tree and straightened up the Joseph in my nativity scene.  I have made a good choice, and I am pleased with my decision for this year.  And see, because of my choice, I am not late cleaning up after 2012, but instead, I’ll be ahead for 2013. Even my gold bow on my mailbox is holding up beautifully!!!!!  Blessings, Mimi (AKA Anne)

James 1:17-18 “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.”

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